Hubbard Mechanical helps with a lot of work. You must clear the hallways and other access points to your boiler room so the installers can get in easily. You may also have to remove the space around your new boiler.

The boiler should be close to water pipes, the flue for ventilation, and electrical outlets. The floor or ground must be level, too.


If you are replacing an existing boiler, the cost of a new one can vary greatly. The price depends on the size of your home, its location, and the type of heating system you choose. A gas engineer can provide a quote based on your home’s heating survey, including the price of a new boiler and installation costs. It would be best to consider the AFUE rating and the warranty on your boiler. High-efficiency units with a higher AFUE rating can save you money in the long run.

The average cost of a boiler replacement is $3,500 to $5,100. This includes labor, installation, removal, and disposal of the old unit. It’s important to note that this cost does not include ductwork, which is an additional cost. Ductwork can cost anywhere from $3,000 to $7,500 per 300 linear feet.

A new boiler is usually installed in a garage or utility room, but it can also be placed in other locations. It’s best to remember the boiler in a space with easy access for maintenance and repairs. You should also avoid placing a boiler in a cold place like a basement, attic, or crawlspace.

When choosing a contractor, select one with an HVAC license and experience working on boilers. Look for a company with good ratings and reviews, and ask about guarantees or warranties. Getting a written estimate and checking for discounts or special offers is also a good idea.

You can also save on the cost of a new boiler by buying a used one. These machines are less expensive than brand-new models, and you can usually find them at local auctions or in the classified section of local newspapers. It’s also a good idea for homeowners to compare the prices of different manufacturers and brands before deciding.

Another cost factor to consider when choosing a boiler is the fuel type. Most boilers use natural gas, but some run on oil or electricity. A new gas boiler costs slightly more than a comparable electric model because you will need to install a new gas line. The installation of a new oil tank is also an additional cost to consider.

The energy efficiency of a boiler system depends on several factors, including the type and size of the boiler. It is also important to install efficient controls and perform regular maintenance. These steps will help you save money in the long run.

A new, more advanced boiler is often more energy-efficient than older models. This is because they can recover heat previously dissipated through the flue. These boilers are called condensing boilers and are available from many different manufacturers. They cost more than traditional boilers, but they are worth the investment.

Electric boilers are another option for a more eco-friendly home. They are not as expensive to install and don’t require a chimney or gas line. However, they may not be as effective as other options.

When the boiler is activated, a control valve opens to allow gas – natural or propane – into a combustion chamber. The gas is ignited by a pilot light or electronic ignition system and then passes through a heat exchanger. The heat exchanger is connected to a series of water pipes traveling to and from the home’s radiators. An electric pump then distributes the warm water to ensure a consistent temperature.

Investing in a new thermostat that is designed to be smart and can adjust temperatures based on your schedule is a good idea. This way, you can keep your house cooler while you are away and warmer when you return. This will save you a lot of money on your heating bills.

You can do several things to improve your boiler’s energy efficiency, including installing a smart thermostat and adding a vent damper. These additions will help you save money and make your home healthier and more comfortable.

Look for deals from local installers, as these can save you a lot of money. A new boiler is a big-ticket item, so it’s worth shopping around for the best price. In addition, it’s always a good idea to hire a licensed contractor for the installation. This will ensure that the job is done correctly and safely.

Boiler installation is a complex process. It requires the removal of an existing boiler, new pipework, and electric power and thermostat cables. It can take a day or two to install a new boiler. The time will depend on the system’s complexity and installed location. The contractor will shut off the power and water supply to the old boiler before beginning work. This is a crucial step to ensure safety and prevent any accidents during the process. According to local regulations, the contractor will also remove and dispose of the old boiler.

Once the old boiler has been removed, the contractor will connect the water and gas pipes to the new boiler. This will include a new gas connection, supply and return pipes, and radiator connections. The contractor will then test the new boiler and make necessary adjustments to get it running properly. The contractor will also install a control panel for the boiler, which is optional for some models.

You’ll need to be home during the installation to give the engineer access to your property and a run-through of what will happen. You should ensure you’ve showered or bathed before the work begins and have food prepared. It would be best if you also shut down any sensitive electronics that the disruption of a power outage could damage. It would be best to create a staging area for the installer, which may be as simple as a cleared-out room or a drop cloth on the lawn.

Another important part of the boiler installation process is “dressing” the system. This means adding the correct pipes to the boiler system, and this task is done with a wrench. For example, the installer will insert a circular pump directly into the boiler section and then add a riser pipe gasket. After this, the installer will attach each pipe to different areas throughout your home.

When the boiler is finished, the installer will commission it. This process will involve testing the boiler’s water pressure and heating output and ensuring that all safety features work properly. The installer will also provide instructions on using the boiler and answer any questions.

A boiler warranty is a promise from the manufacturer that they will repair or replace your boiler within a specific time frame. The warranty can be different lengths, and some manufacturers even offer extended warranties for boilers installed by their approved installers. However, you should always read the terms and conditions carefully before choosing a boiler.

Boiler warranties are a great way to save money on maintenance and repairs. However, they only cover some things that can go wrong with a boiler. This means getting regular maintenance checks and cleanings from an experienced heating engineer is important. This will prevent small problems from becoming bigger and help you avoid costly repairs.

It is also important to know that the boiler warranty will only last for its full length if you follow the terms and conditions. Registering the boiler warranty as soon as possible after installation is important. The installer can do this, or you can do it yourself. In either case, it is important to ensure that the boiler has been registered so that it doesn’t expire before the end of the warranty period.

A warranty will not cover any problems caused by misuse, neglect, or tampering. In addition, it will only cover issues that result from correct installation or poor artistry. If you have a problem with your boiler, check the papers for the warranty details. These will specify the warranty length, what is covered, and how to file a claim for a repair or replacement.

A new boiler can help you save a lot of money on your heating bills. Getting a boiler installed in your building is a major investment, so choosing a company that offers a quality product and good customer service is important. Look for a company that provides a fixed-price quote online and can install your boiler in less than a day. Also, ensure that the engineer is Gas Safe registered before hiring them. This will ensure the work is completed to the highest standards and won’t invalidate your warranty.